We perform thousands of these per year in Langley, for both diagnostic and therapeutic reasons. All of our surgeons participate in the BCCA Colon Screening Program, and have all completed additional training in endoscopy through the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (CAG). Langley has been an enthusiastic participant in the CAG quality improvement program since 2014.
what is a colonoscopy
Colonoscopy is a procedure where we use a flexible tube with a miniature camera attached to view the inside lining of your rectum and colon. During the test we can find and remove most polyps and some cancers. In some instances there may be alternatives to a colonoscopy, such as a FIT assay (stool test for microscopic blood) or a CT colonography. Your provider will be happy to discuss with you if these other tests are appropriate.
getting prepared
There are very specific instructions for getting prepared for your colonoscopy, which involve a proper diet, liquid fasting, and taking purgatives at the correct time. Your surgeon will have selected the appropriate regime for you. Find detailed instructions here.
During a colonoscopy most patients receive light sedation through an intravenous. This is a combination of a relaxant and a pain medication. You do not go fully unconscious but are kept comfortable and safe for the procedure. You can read more about sedation here.
Make certain if you are receiving sedation to have a ride home arranged with a trusted individual. You cannot drive yourself or take a taxi alone after receiving sedation. Also your surgeon may opt to see you in clinic to go over results or send them to you by secure messaging service - please ask our staff about secure email if you are interested in this! Also please complete our survey our your experience to help us improve and let us know what we do well!