It is overhwelming to think about going "under the knife".
Whether it is to remove colon cancer or another disease, surgery can be a very daunting prospect. At Langley, our goal is for you to have the best experience and outcome possible.
Over time we have put together a ‘package’ or ‘bundle’ of items that have been scientifically proven to reduce your risk of complications and enhance your recovery after surgery. This has led to us forming a team at the hospital dedicated to your recovery, known as the ERAS (Enhanced Recovery after Surgery) team. We are part of a network throughout the province that works to share best practices and develop new protocols based on evidence. We are also a participating site in NSQIP - a quality assurance program that carefully monitors outcomes from surgery and shows us where we excel - and where we can improve - compared to hundreds of similar hospital across North America.
Many of the items in ERAS are simple things. But simple is often critical. Our surgeons take great care in the attention to small details that make up your surgery. There are also small steps that you will do yourself at home and in hospital around the time of your surgery that will greatly increase your chances of having a great outcome.
Please review this video that summarizes the ERAS process and bring your questions when you come for your appointments in the office or at the hospital.